About Lacrosse
Basic Lacrosse Rules
The Game:
Four quarters of 12 minutes each with a 5-10 minute half time.
12 players per side; goalkeeper, five attackers, and six defenders.
A goal is scored when an attacker strikes the ball into the goal from within the striking circle.
Any play deemed dangerous is considered a foul.
The Field
The game starts in the middle and one girl from each team "faceoff"
The half circle around the goal is called the "12-meter", penalties are taken from the 12-meter if the penalty took place within it. The smaller area (within the 12-meter) is the 8-meter; most penalties are taken from there.
The small circle around the goal is called the "crease". The crease belongs to the goalie and no other player (from either team) can step inside. Players on the same team CAN be inside the crease so long as the goalie is outside of it.
Depending on the field, the 30 OR 35 meter line measures off-sides. No more than X players can be on the opposing 30/35 meters at a time. It does not matter which players.